A platform independant stack trace generator
Ctracer::internal::abfdRAII | < |
▼Ctracer::AbstractDebugInfo | Base class for all debug information generators |
Ctracer::DebugInfoBFD | Generates debug information using libbfd |
Ctracer::DebugInfoDummy | Dummy debug information "generator" |
Ctracer::DebugInfoDWFL | Debug information generator based on libdwfl |
Ctracer::DebugInfoExternalFallback | Uses the addr2line system tool (hopefully) installed on the system |
Ctracer::DebugInfoWIN32 | Debug indormation based on the WIN32 API |
▼Ctracer::AbstractPrinter | Basic class for all printers |
▼Ctracer::DefaultPrinter | Gnerates strings from the frame structure |
▼Ctracer::FilePrinter | Prints file contents when line information is avaliable in the frame |
Ctracer::FancyPrinter | Wrapper for both FilePrinter and SystemInfoPrinter |
▼Ctracer::SystemInfoPrinter | Prints additional information before the first stack frame |
Ctracer::FancyPrinter | Wrapper for both FilePrinter and SystemInfoPrinter |
▼Ctracer::AbstractTracer | Base class / interface of all tracers |
Ctracer::DummyTracer | This tracer does nothing |
Ctracer::GlibCTracer | Tracer based on glibc's backtrace (execinfo.h) |
Ctracer::LibUnwindTracer | Backtrace generator based on libunwind |
Ctracer::Win32Tracer | Backtrace generator for the WIN32 API |
Ctracer::internal::asymbolRAII | Manages the bfd_symbol(s) |
Ctracer::DefaultPrinter::Config | User configuration structure |
Ctracer::TracerHandler::Config | User configuration |
Ctracer::FilePrinter::FileConfig | User configuration |
Ctracer::Frame | Describes a frame |
Ctracer::SystemInfoPrinter::InfoEntry | An system information entry (library version, etc) |
Ctracer::PrinterContainer | A container for printers (like std::unique_ptr) |
Ctr_DefaultPrinter_Config | User configuration structure |
Ctr_Frame | Represents a stack frame |
Ctr_PrinterContainer | Internal C wrapper structure |
Ctr_Tracer | Internal C wrapper structure |
Ctr_Tracer_AvailableEngines | Helper structure for wrapping the small std::vector's |
Ctr_TracerHandler | Internal C wrapper structure |
Ctr_TracerHandler_Config | Configuration |
Ctracer::Tracer | Backtrace generator |
Ctracer::TracerHandler | Signal handling class |