Tracer  v0.0.1
A platform independant stack trace generator
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NinternalSome internally used classes to make things easiers
 CasymbolRAIIManages the bfd_symbol(s)
 CAbstractDebugInfoBase class for all debug information generators
 CAbstractPrinterBasic class for all printers
 CAbstractTracerBase class / interface of all tracers
 CDebugInfoBFDGenerates debug information using libbfd
 CDebugInfoDummyDummy debug information "generator"
 CDebugInfoDWFLDebug information generator based on libdwfl
 CDebugInfoExternalFallbackUses the addr2line system tool (hopefully) installed on the system
 CDebugInfoWIN32Debug indormation based on the WIN32 API
 CDefaultPrinterGnerates strings from the frame structure
 CConfigUser configuration structure
 CDummyTracerThis tracer does nothing
 CFancyPrinterWrapper for both FilePrinter and SystemInfoPrinter
 CFilePrinterPrints file contents when line information is avaliable in the frame
 CFileConfigUser configuration
 CFrameDescribes a frame
 CGlibCTracerTracer based on glibc's backtrace (execinfo.h)
 CLibUnwindTracerBacktrace generator based on libunwind
 CPrinterContainerA container for printers (like std::unique_ptr)
 CSystemInfoPrinterPrints additional information before the first stack frame
 CInfoEntryAn system information entry (library version, etc)
 CTracerBacktrace generator
 CTracerHandlerSignal handling class
 CConfigUser configuration
 CWin32TracerBacktrace generator for the WIN32 API
 Ctr_DefaultPrinter_ConfigUser configuration structure
 Ctr_FrameRepresents a stack frame
 Ctr_PrinterContainerInternal C wrapper structure
 Ctr_TracerInternal C wrapper structure
 Ctr_Tracer_AvailableEnginesHelper structure for wrapping the small std::vector's
 Ctr_TracerHandlerInternal C wrapper structure